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Let me be the first to tell you that the bulk of our issues are rooted in our conditioning that we need outside additives for completion. Give me a job to get money, give me money to be content, give me companionship to feel loved, give me your book to live upright. Understand, until you embrace your right to be an individual and superpowers you will remain dependent on things of the world. It is imperative that you remove your trust, happiness, and reliance from things of the world. This place is flawed and will unfortunately let you down time and time again. Removing and controlling your interest is extremely vital, should you want to outgrow this place. The worldly man has this thing called ego, fear, and pride that he typically picks up on following his birth into this system. These happen to be some of the most dangerous but overlooked and ignored detriments of our existence. Should he not be able to assess, plot, and kill those characteristics within himself he may very well become just another speck on an overpopulated canvas. He may miss out on that thing so many of us do, maximizing our potential, happiness, and fulfillment.


Do you know how many people are dead in the graveyard? Every single one of them! I will remind you that in my 27 years of life, I've yet to see a double burial. The very same people who you dilute your true potential, purpose, and plan for will not share a grave with you. I urge you to not only intake but digest every single word printed in this reading. The time is more important than ever that we tap into our higher selves, see the Deity waiting to be unleashed within us, and Unlearn and Relearn all that we have been traditioned and conditioned to believe.


I don't yearn to be your leader, preacher, or head. I want you to simply allow my experiences, logic, and reason to serve as a light for you along your journey. May you trump my efforts by three times in half the years.




Gods Amongst Men Vol. 2

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